Story event for B24

Before going into the pub, 
1.The protagonist send a petition to the judge about his situation  
2. he tries to explained what happens at the night and proposes that he didn't 
3. He first starts at his time in bristol where he did a number of odd jobs in order to get by.
4. After working hard to the bone he finds that he enough money to stay a night at an inn called the Willing mine 
During (Willing mine)
1. our main character was taking a drink 
2. He talk with the owner of the inn 
3. the pub owner tells our main character about the people who live in the mansion and their troubles 
4. the owner also tells him about the about the golden medals that are in the house which, the protagonist think about if he should steal them in order get out of this rut he's in  
1.He goes to the mansion 
2. trying to find a way inside which, he entered through a corner window 
3.The wife saw him entering the window which, she told the guy to be calmed and was friendly to him 
4. the wife told him that she was going to help in his plan of stealing the medals for how, the wife really hated her husband 
5. the husband find the wife/ thief  
6. the wife strikes the husband with the thief's knife and kills him with a second strike 
7. the protagonist runs away and pretty much blames him for everything that has happen. This was part of her plot of getting revenge on her husband 
8. He threatens the hired man that if he doesn't come with any evidence that proves his innocents then the protagonist will haunt him for the rest of his life.  


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